The ultimate question! How much weight to lose? The answer is not always simple but fortunately for a lot of health complications even a tiny weight lost can lead to health improvements.

Modest weight loss (5 -10%) is associated with improvement in systolic and diastolic blood pressure and HDL cholesterol. More weight loss (if needed) produces more improvement. For other weight related comorbid conditions, a weight loss around 10% to 15% is needed to translate into clinical improvement. Those conditions could be obstructive sleep apnea, and non-alcoholic steatotic hepatitis. For polycystic ovarian syndrome and infertility, modest weight loss (2–5%) can bring improvements in menstrual irregularities and fertility.
Below you can check the: Amount of weight loss needed to effect improvement in various conditions (Ryan, D. H., & Yockey, S. R., 2017).
Glycemic Improvement–Diabetes prevention in impaired glucose tolerance: 2.5% weight loss or more; maximal impact at 10%
Triglyceride reduction: 2.5% to >15%; greater weight loss associated with greater glycemic improvement; true for all BMI classes;
HDL increase: 5% to >15%; greater weight loss associated with greater glycemic improvement; not true for BMI >40 kg/m2
Apnea Hypopnea Index Improvement in Obstructive Sleep Apnea : 10%+ weight loss required for significant improvement
Knee pain and function in persons with osteoarthritis : 5–10% improves knee functionality, speed, walk distance and pain; >10% to improve IL-6 and CRP levels; knee MRI and X-ray findings do not change
Hepatic steatosis reduction: 5–15%+; greater weight loss associated with greater improvement
Impact of Weight on Quality of Life score : 5%–15%+; greater weight loss associated with greater improvement
Depression: 5–10% may reduce risk for emergent depression; individuals with depression lose as much weight as non-depressed individuals.
Sexual Function: 5–10% improves erectile function in men and sexual dysfunction in women
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and infertility : Improvement in ovulatory cycles and subsequent pregnancy with 2–5% weight loss, with more weight loss producing more improvements
Reminder: Reasonable and healthy weight loss is about 4 kg per month. Consult your clinical dietitian and doctor
Check this scientific article for more:
Ryan, D. H., & Yockey, S. R. (2017). Weight Loss and Improvement in Comorbidity: Differences at 5%, 10%, 15%, and Over. Current obesity reports, 6(2), 187–194.